A Lawyer to A Business Woman

I graduated 5 years ago as a lawyer and I'm currently working in a law firm for about 4 years now. Are you calculating my age? Do not focus on that please. Anyway, being a lawyer is not my dream it was just my parents who insisted to get into this field. I was just their daughter so I have to follow them whether I like it or not. I envy those teens now that can choose any course they wanted and shift to other when they failed. I remember when I experienced difficulty in my studies, I was planning to shift into business management course without consulting to my parents. But then I felt ashame, all can do that time was to study more harder and double my effort.
When I was in grade school I loved selling accessories to my friends and classmates. I called it my little business. The more I get older, the more I want to start a business on my own. But then again, my parents won't let me. Now that I'm mature enough and I know that I can handle a business, I will start without hesitations. Do I ask my parents for that decision? Of course yes, they agree with me maybe they see all the hardships I've been through to be the best lawyer I can be. Amazingly my Dad introduced me to his friend that he said can help me to my business all throughout. He suggested me also the staff leasing. Maybe I can study regarding to that, but for now I will research more about on how to be a successful business woman.